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            Live weather conditions at 3725 Highland Park Drive, Greenwood, Indiana

As of:  05/30/21 12:54

Temperature: 87.2°F Dew Point: 73.5°F
Humidity: 64% Wind Chill: 87.2°F
Wind: SSE at 0.0 mph THW Index: 95.4°F
Barometer: 29.997 in and Steady Heat Index: 95.4°F
Today's Rain: 0.00 in Monthly Rain: 0.00 in
Storm Total: 0.00 in Yearly Rain: 6.38 in
Current Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr

Average Wind:

0.0 mph (10 min)
Today's High: 87.3°F at 12:54 Station Latitude: 28° 12' 26" N
Today's Low: 72.2°F at 7:20 Station Longitude: 82° 25' 19" W
Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours

Sunrise:  6:34        Sunset:  20:22

Click HERE for 1 year and current month historical data

Current indoor temperature:  78.8°F    Hi/Low (78.8°F/73.0°F)


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